

The present time of Digital marketing has opened a large number of ways to promote one’s business and services. 

By using the internet, one can easily get important information about the clients for business purposes and shortlist them accordingly to their advantage.

The conventional way of showcasing includes organizations promoting their products in magazines, newspapers, television advertisements, radio promotion, business cards and other sources. 

This also included frequent mouth to mouth communication for promotion.

These methods didn’t use the internet for publication and advertising. This marketing strategy took a lot of time to design, prepare and launch. 

There wasn’t a fixed way to know the needs of all the people. This limited the opportunities to meet new customers and knowing the patterns of their purchasing conduct.

Digital marketing fulfils this issue by promoting a business through various online channels. 

Internet marketing is the way of brands to interface with potential clients. This uses the web and different types of advanced online correspondence. 

This incorporates several platforms like email, online media, electronic promotions, SMS, multi-media messages and others as a way to advertise their brands and products.

The reliability and simplicity with which digital marketing assists with boosting the reach of a business. 

This has made it a top choice for companies (both new and old) to promote their services to consumers worldwide.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing or online marketing are ways of promoting a service or any business with the help of online media.

For example, search engines, sites, web-based media, email and portable mobile applications.

Companies market their products, services, and brands as a strategic method using these online media channels. 

Customers heavily depend on online marketing to know the truth behind the marketed claims.

To get the targeted customers, advertisers need to engage themselves into the current diverse cross-channel platforms to find tactics that have a relevant outcome through this kind of marketing.

Frequent engagement is the technique for making essential relations with beneficial and loyal customers by taking measures marketers get through their detailed research.

Marketers can gain essential and relevant insights into target crowd practices while finding the methods for new tactics for consumer loyalty.

Empathy map is a method marketers can get in touch with customers and understand their pattern of thoughts.

Web analytics are likewise a vital method to get buyers. They show the propensities that individuals have online for every site.

One specific type of these investigations is prescient examination which assists advertisers with sorting out what course buyers are on.

This uses the data collected from other examinations and afterward makes various expectations of what individuals will do as such that organizations can plan on what to do straightaway, as per individuals’ patterns.

Seeing a proceeding with expansion in number of products and services accessible to buyers relies upon the fate of online promotion.

The B2B business estimates the future of web media will be progressively conversational. 

Video refinement is one of the key factors to improve site purposes. Email marketing is highly customized. 

Why is Digital Marketing important?

  • Digital marketing enables companies to gain access to a wide range of people across the world through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and so forth. 
  • This provides the opportunity to interact with people from various backgrounds and cultures, which results in better understanding of demands of different individuals. 
  • Start-up companies or small companies get an interface to promote their brand and product through digital marketing. 
  • This helps them to grow and expand their business and the ability to compete with already established companies on many levels. 
  • Digital marketing is the most preferred way to raise awareness about brand value. 
  • Many companies and their competitors mostly use social media to promote their products and compete with one another through maximum social engagement. 
  • Digital marketing helps brands to find their target consumers of the desired age groups easily. 
  • People like to engage in fun activities online and digital marketing is one of the easiest ways to make this happen.
  • Online quizzes, giveaways, contests and campaigns engage a lot of social media users which results in brand promotion and marketing. 
  • This is the most reliable method to promote a brand as it requires minimum investment. This also often results in high returns which is beneficial for a new company. 
  • Almost everyone has access to Android and iOS. This makes it easier for a particular product or brand to get viral through digital marketing. 
  • Search optimization engines let a user know how effective their promotions are on social media and how it is creating an image on the targeted audience through relevant real-time analytics. 

What type of problems can digital marketing solve?

  • Effective results in minimal investment

Traditional marketing estimated a high amount of budget. This included a budget for publishing via radio and television advertisement, hoardings, signboards, newspapers, magazines and so forth. 

This era of digital marketing has enabled companies from all backgrounds to promote their brands in minimum investment and securing high returns. 

Digital marketing lets companies easily track the budget and the flow of the funds. 

  • Relevant content to explore 

People often search for things online that they are having issues with or are trending in present times. 

Search engine optimization tracks the commonly searched content or topics and the analysis of traffic of the particular subject. 

This method helps companies to stay up to date with the ongoing trends and develop relevant content to generate huge traffic and increase its credibility digitally. 

  • Traffic and leads 

Conventional marketing techniques didn’t allow brands to accurately know the frequency of how interested the customer knows about its services. 

Digital marketing solves this issue. It gathers information on the analytics which helps the brands to generate traffic and leads. 

It is highly essential for a growing company to generate as many leads and traffic as possible. 

This results in higher brand awareness and conveying the services to the targeted age group of customers. 

Ads, post-buying emails and offers helps in the generation of leads as the customer dives more into the services of the brand. 

  • Brand Image 

This is the most crucial aspect in a business.

The image of a company creates a visual inside individuals’ thinking patterns even if they haven’t used a product of the particular brand before. 

For instance, online food delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy, UberEats, Food Panda, etc have created an image for almost every individual about its services. 

A person will think of Zomato or Swiggy when ordering food online. 

Digital marketing serves as a pioneer to promote healthy brand image in a wide range of audience. 

Components of Digital Marketing / Types of Digital Marketing:

Some of the essential components of digital marketing are – 

  • Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is one of the most integral parts of digital marketing. It helps to boost the organic traffic to the pages of the brands. 

Correct content, smooth UX interface, authentic backlinks and so on makes a site SEO friendly. 

Proper SEO enables a company to list their website on the top searches which makes it authentic for promotion.

  • Email marketing

Email marketing is prevalent to get maximum customers for companies. 

People interested in products and services opt in for email notifications to get offers, discounts, sales, etc.  

Email marketing allows companies to know the analytics of the positive response generated from a number of people. 

This helps to create customized emails based on the preferences of a particular group of people. 

  • Social media marketing

Social media marketing is an essential component of digital marketing. 

Companies can tackle queries, problems and any sort of product related questions through SMM. 

It also allows brands to engage with both present customers and future leads in maximum possible ways to develop high brand promotion. 

SMM is generally a paid advertisement of products and services which makes it ideal for brands to reach their potential customers. 

It also gives information about the current trending topics and strategies used by rival brands to stay ahead in the completion. 

  • Content Marketing

Relevant content with proper search engine optimization (SEO) keywords and grammatical error free content boosts the readability of brands and their products. 

It is highly important for brands to write content about the ongoing hot topics and cover their insights to attract potential leads to increase maximum promotion. 

Content marketing includes SEO friendly articles, blogs, case studies, reports, etc. It can be either free or paid, depending on the target of the company. 

  • Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is increasingly becoming popular in digital marketing. 

It refers to marketing tactics through the use of multimedia messages, SMS, brand advertisement on mobile apps, SEO friendly websites and so forth. 

A well researched and optimized mobile marketing promotion helps to land a number of potential clients through a single click on the links of the website. 

  • Pay Per Click 

Brands use certain keywords by paying some amount of money to make their websites visible on top searches. 

Paid search allows companies to show the specific keywords entered by the users on the internet to get accurate results. 

Pay Per Click allows companies to be eligible for payment only if users click on their website. 

Two commonly used paid search programs are Google AdWords and Bing. 

  • Video Marketing

In this era of digital marketing, brands keep on finding innovative internet marketing ways to gain high reachability for their products and services. 

One such platform is video marketing. Video marketing gives the opportunity to connect with potential customers globally in a reliable and easy way. 

Companies broadcast their specialities through online platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, WhatsApp, etc. 

People get the chance to know about a product and dive into more vivid details of it through product launches, giveaways, testimonials, Q&A sessions and so on. 

Inbound marketing vs Digital Marketing:

Inbound marketing refers to the strategy of gaining fresh potential customers for sales. 

This strategy focuses more on making potential leads into loyal customers through various means. 

This has proven beneficial for companies in increasing brand awareness, brand preferences, promotions in minimum budget with high return on investment (ROI). 

These means include content writing and marketing, SEO friendly blogs, online platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. 

One of the most prevalent reasons for inbound marketing success rate is that it concerns what people will like to purchase on their own rather than forcing them to do so. 

Apart from these, inbound marketing develops a strong company-customer relationship. 

The customers find themselves comfortable once they get accustomed to the groomed services of the company. 

Digital marketing is the process of promoting a business or service through any online medium. 

Digital marketing doesn’t take into account the motive or purpose of the product. This only focuses on the delivery. 

The key factor which draws a line between inbound marketing and digital marketing is that the former focuses more on strategic implementation while the later doesn’t have a prerequisite strategy. 

What will you Learn in Digital Marketing?

These are the top three lessons one can learn from digital marketing –

  • Entrepreneurship and investment

Digital marketing is the best way to kick-start a career in entrepreneurship and investment. 

Thousands of companies have migrated from conventional marketing to digital marketing because of its excellent reachability and engagement. 

This allows an entrepreneur or an investor to master their skills in a rapidly growing environment.

  • Effectively utilizing online platforms for promotions and profits

Digital marketing has a huge diversity of marketing fields.

It has email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, paid marketing, SEO marketing and so forth. 

These fields of marketing reach a higher number of audience and often give access to targeted age groups. 

Digital marketing doesn’t require heavy investment but gives higher ROI because of which anyone can do it easily with proper knowledge. 

  • Knowledge about starting own business 

Small-time businessmen, housewives, students, freelancers, etc can utilize their free time and do digital marketing to promote their products. 

Digital marketing empowers ordinary and the weaker section of the communities to build a name on their own. 

This is highly beneficial as they would get sources to start making profits and gain a reputation of their brand. 

  • Better knowledge of insights 

This allows people to get access to analytics. This helps to show the generation of leads, traffic, engagement, user friendly interface, etc for the published content. 

This way the developers will know the ways to improve their next content and add more creativity to it for more consumer engagement. 

When to do Digital Marketing?

It’s when to do digital marketing when an individual or a company finds itself to be in a position where they want to set up a company or launch a product with minimum requirements. 

Digital marketing is the ideal option for those companies and individuals to promote their business who are on a cost friendly budget, remote working, high return projects. 

This also includes understanding of analytics insights, learning entrepreneurship thoroughly, promotions through portable mobile applications, etc. 

How is digital marketing different from Traditional Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to the marketing and promotion of goods and services through any online medium with budget friendly investment to reach greater reachability.  

Traditional or conventional marketing refers to the tactics or means of promotions through the usage of offline platforms such as advertisement on radios and televisions, boards, newspapers, magazines, etc. 

Both of them differ from one another because of their nature of promotion mainly, i.e, online mode and offline mode.  

The former relies on online platforms for promotions while the latter is related to offline means. 

Another major difference is that traditional marketing doesn’t give an interactive and engaging environment between company and customers directly. 

This lack of communication is bridged closer by digital marketing as online platforms are an essential keypart in everyday lives. 

What Digital Marketing skills are in demand?

  • Analytics

Payscale : 4-5 LPA (India), 

$61,593/annually (world-wide)

  • Marketing Automation 

Payscale : Rs 6-6.5 LPA (India), $61,080/annually (world-wide) 

  • Paid media specialist 

Payscale : Rs 4-5 LPA (India) 

$66,510/annually (world-wide)

  • Content marketing specialist

Payscale : Rs 4-5 LPA (India) 

$51,360/annually (world-wide) 

  • Email marketing 

Payscale : 3-5 LPA (India)

$54,573/annually (world-wide) 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Payscale : Rs 2-3 LPA (India)

$46,738/annually (world-wide) 

  • Website Developer 

Payscale : Rs 3-10 LPA (India)

$60,117/annually (world-wide)

Some of the other important skills are Social Media Marketing, UX design, Digital Marketing Manager, Copywriter, Marketing Associate, Account Supervisor, Marketing Assistant, Digital Strategist, etc. 

Future scope of Digital Marketing:

The future of digital marketing in India and globally is very prosperous and ever growing. 

Digital marketing has opened opportunity doors to almost 1.4 billion and counting Indians and a total of approximately 8 billions people in this world. 

With its numerous benefits and reliability, this is set to become synonymous with marketing success, replacing other methods of marketing tactics soon. 

People have already accepted digital marketing practices because of its convenience and ability to reach targeted audiences globally without any barriers. 

This will become even more smoother, reliable, advanced in the near and far future. 

Pros of Digital Marketing:

  • Worldwide coverage 
  • Less expensive 
  • Tracked and measured results
  • Customisation 
  • Flexibility 
  • Flexible currency rate 
  • High ROI
  • Portability

Cons of Digital Marketing:

  • Competencies  
  • Taking up time 
  • Tough competition 
  • Reviews and Ratings can tarnish image 
  • Concerns about confidentiality
  • Spam emails and calls
  • Relies heavily on technologies 


Even nowadays, the online world is far from the one stop destination for advertisers to make it big. 

Nevertheless, nobody can ever simply ignore the benefits of internet marketing. Advertisers will inevitably need to grasp internet marketing to keep with real time competitions. 

Digital marketing in the internet age is the saviour for all businesses. 

This article has covered all the essential topics of digital marketing, it’s benefits and drawbacks along with its scope in future to give broad insight into how digital marketing works. 

Let us know what you think about this article by your valuable reviews.

We would be happy to hear from you ! Do let us know through the comment section. 


Will Digital Marketing die?

Digital marketing will not fade away anytime soon. As a matter of fact, It will evolve and continue to expand with the growing technologies. 

Will digital marketing get automated?

Yes, digital marketing will be automated in the future. 

Artificial intelligence will enter every field with rise and advancement in new technologies. Hence, digital marketing is no exception. 

Can we do digital marketing without a degree?

Obtaining a degree to do digital marketing isn’t compulsory as it is reliable and flexible in its approach. 

However, a certification course will help to boost the prerequisite skill set. 

Who can learn Digital Marketing?

Anyone can learn digital marketing. 

Students, retired personnel, housewives, entrepreneurs, investors, small time businessmen, and anyone who is looking to start a business can learn digital marketing.



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