
Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy

Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy

When it comes to advancing your programming skills, finding the best JavaScript courses on Udemy is a challenging. JavaScript is an essential language for web development, and mastering it can open up a multitude of career opportunities. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, Udemy offers a diverse range of courses tailored to meet your needs. In this blog post, we will explore the top-rated JavaScript courses on Udemy that can help you become a proficient in JavaScript. Looking for the Best JavaScript Books then check it here.

Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy

The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: From Zero to Expert!

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world. It powers the entire modern web. It provides millions of high-paying jobs all over the world.

You will learn modern JavaScript from the very beginning, step-by-step. I will guide you through practical and fun code examplesimportant theory about how JavaScript works behind the scenes, and beautiful and complete projects.

You will become ready to continue learning advanced front-end frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, or Svelte.

You will also learn how to think like a developer, how to plan application features, how to architect your code, how to debug code, and a lot of other real-world skills that you will need in your developer job.

And unlike other courses, this one actually contains beginner, intermediate, advanced, and even expert topics, so you don’t have to buy any other course in order to master JavaScript from the ground up!

But… You don’t have to go into all these topics. This is a huge course, because, after all, it’s “The Complete JavaScript Course”. In fact, it’s like many courses in one! But you can become an excellent developer by watching only parts of the course. That’s why I built this course in a very modular way, and designed pathways that will take you through the course faster.

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and confidence that you need in order to ace your job interviews and become a professional developer.

  • Build 5 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio! In these projects, you will learn how to plan and architect your applications using flowcharts and common JavaScript patterns
  • Master the JavaScript fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more
  • Learn modern JavaScript (ES6+) from the beginning: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, default arguments, optional chaining, and more
  • How JavaScript works behind the scenes: engines, the call stack, hoisting, scoping, the ‘this’ keyword, reference values, and more.
  • Deep dive into functions: arrow functions, first-class and higher-order functions, bind, and closures.
  • Deep dive into object-oriented programming: prototypal inheritance, constructor functions (ES5), classes (ES6), encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism. [This is like a small standalone course]
  • Deep dive into asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises, async/await, and error handling. You will use these to access data from third-party APIs with AJAX calls. [This is like a small standalone course]
  • Learn modern tools that are used by professional web developers: NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules

Course Duration: 68.5hrs | Exercises: 8 | Downloadable Resources: 23

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer in this course

The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp

the Complete Web Development Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn to code and become a full-stack web developer. With 150,000+ ratings and a 4.8 average, my Web Development course is one of the HIGHEST RATED courses in the history of Udemy! 

At 62+ hours, this Web Development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here’s why:

  • The course is taught by the lead instructor at the App Brewery, London’s leading in-person programming bootcamp.
  • The course has been updated to be 2024 ready and you’ll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix.
  • This course doesn’t cut any corners, there are beautiful animated explanation videos and tens of real-world projects which you will get to build.
  • The curriculum was developed over a period of four years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.
  • We’ve taught over a million students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.
  • You’ll save yourself over 12,000 USD by enrolling, but still get access to the same teaching materials and learn from the same instructor and curriculum as our in-person programming bootcamp.
  • The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students – that’s you!

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer on this course

JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2024 (Beginner + Advanced)

This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript – it’s based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It’s both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course!

It’s a huge course packed with important knowledge and helpful content:

From the core basics, over advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing – this course has it all. My goal was to create your go-to resource for the JavaScript language, which you can not just use for learning it but also as a resource you can come back to and look up important topics.

  • Modern JavaScript from the start: The JavaScript syntax changed over time – in this course, you’ll learn the latest syntax from the start (you’ll also learn about the old one though, so that you can work in ANY JS project)
  • ALL the Basics: Variables, constants, functions, how scripts are loaded etc
  • Arrays & Objects: We’ll explore these very important data structures in great detail
  • Control Structures: Understand how to run code conditionally and in loops
  • A look behind the Scenes: How JavaScript engines work behind the scenes and what that means for us
  • Deep dives into Core Concepts: ALL the special things about JavaScript function, different syntaxes
  • Working with the DOM: How to manipulate web pages dynamically via JavaScript (including deep dives and different use-cases)
  • Events in JavaScript: Learn how to listen to a broad variety of events (e.g. drag & drop) and execute appropriate code
  • Classes & Object-oriented Programming: Learn how to work with classes, prototypes, the “this” keyword, constructor functions and much more
  • Asynchronous and Synchronous Programming: We’ll explore callbacks, promises, async/ await and other important tools and language features to execute code correctly
  • Http Requests: Learn how to send Http requests via JavaScript
  • Tooling, Optimizations & Browser Support: Code splitting, producing small code and ensuring that scripts work in all browsers  – this matters and hence is covered in great detail
  • Libraries & Frameworks: Learn about libraries like Axios or frameworks like React.js – why they matter and how to use them
  • Node.js: Whilst focusing on the browser-side for the majority of the course (because the syntax is the same), we’ll also have a dedicated section on Node.js to learn all about that JS host environment
  • Security & Performance Optimizations: Of course security matters, so does performance – no surprise that both is covered in the course!
  • Automated Testing: Testing manually is hard work and can be unreliable – in this course you’ll also get an introduction into automated testing

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer on this course

The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course

The Modern Javascript Bootcamp focuses on cutting through unnecessary information and giving you just the facts, plain and simple.  You won’t work with outdated frameworks, learn old styles of programming, or build boring apps.  Instead, you’ll only spend time writing practical code that can be used today and in the future on your own projects.  You’ll learn – from very early on in the course – how to write beautiful and reusable code that you’ll be proud to show to a future employer.

Two of Udemy’s greatest instructors – Colt Steele and Stephen Grider – collaborated to create this course.  Between the two of us, we have taught over one million engineers how to program.  Rest assured, you will be learning from the best.  We know how challenging it can be to understand a new programming from scratch, so we designed this course to offer you a step-by-step, guaranteed approach to becoming a Javascript master. 

This course is divided into two parts.  The first half of the course focuses on teaching you the basic syntax of Javascript.  Colt will walk you through core topics effortlessly, imparting jewels of JS wisdom along the way.  Included in the first half of the course are many programming exercises and small projects, so you can test your new-found knowledge out.  Each of these videos can be easily referenced in the future, so you can always come back and brush up on some topic whenever needed.

The second half of the course is focused on building some amazing projects.  Stephen will show you how to build some production-ready Javascript applications, including a fully-featured E-Commerce web app!  These projects are all styled to be absolutely beautiful, visually stunning apps that you will be proud to feature on your own personal portfolio.  The main goal of these projects is to highlight design patterns, and show you the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways of writing code.  By the end, you’ll be confident enough to work on your own personal projects with speed and finesse.

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer on this course

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0 (2024)

This is a 36+ hour in-depth course that will take you from the absolute beginning of JavaScript, learning about data types, functions and loops to learning DOM manipulation, asynchronous JS with promises, async/await and much more. You will even learn how to write unit tests for algorithms. We go into how JavaScript works under the hood including execution context, the call stack, event loop, etc. We learn about Webpack tooling and how to create a modern development environment. At the end, we build a Node.js/Express API with a custom Webpack frontend.

All of the code in the learning modules will go into a folder called “JavaScript Sandbox”. This is so we can keep things organized and you can always refer back to it for any code snippets that you may need. All of the final and starter code for the projects is included as well as links to the GitHub Repos.

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer on this course

JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Javascript, learn how Javascript works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems. You will find clarity in the parts that others, even experienced coders, may find weird, odd, and at times incomprehensible. You’ll learn the beauty and deceptive power of this language that is at the forefront of modern software development today.

This course will cover such advanced concepts as objects and object literals, function expressions, prototypical inheritance, functional programming, scope chains, function constructors (plus new ES6 features), immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs), call, apply, bind, and more.

We’ll take a deep dive into the source code of popular frameworks such as jQuery and Underscore to see how you can use your understanding of Javascript to learn (and borrow) from other’s good code.

Finally, you’ll learn the foundations of how to build your own Javascript framework or library.

What you’ll learn in this course will make you a better Javascript developer, and improve your abilities in AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, Ember, MongoDB, and all other Javascript-based technologies!

More info: Visit this course and get an amazing offer on this course

The Complete JavaScript Course – Beginner to Professional

This course has everything you need to become a professional JavaScript developer!

With over 33 hours of training, quizzes and challenges, it’s the most comprehensive JavaScript course available on Udemy!

Whether you want a career in front end or back end development – it’s essential that you have a solid understanding of this versatile language!

Come learn the #1 programming language in the world in this fun and exciting course with Laurence Svekis – a web developer with 18 years experience who has followed Rob Percival’s “learn by doing” style to create this amazing course.

Build 45 Games, Web Apps and Websites with JavaScript

You’ll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will complete each project with you step by step on screen.

Inside the course, you’ll build a Magic Eight Ball game, mini calculator, a Calorie Counter app, a geo-located Google Map, a functioning online store and much much more!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use logic statements to make decisions within your code
  • Save time writing the same thing over and over again with JavaScript Loops
  • Use JavaScript Functions to build mini programs to selectively execute code 
  • Make your webpages comes to life with Interactive Content
  • Connect to HTML5 elements & newer API’s
  • Make your code more efficient with Regex
  • Handle data and updating page content without page refreshes using JSON and AJAX
  • Build faster with the new ECMA6 version of JavaScript.
  • Gain a strong foundation in Javascript so you’ll be ready to move up to frameworks like Angular and Node.js

More info: Visit this course and Get an amazing offer on this course


investing your time in the best JavaScript courses on Udemy can significantly boost your programming skills and career prospects. With a variety of courses tailored to different skill levels, Udemy provides a flexible and comprehensive learning platform. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to advance your existing knowledge, these top-rated JavaScript courses will equip you with the expertise needed to excel in web development. Start your learning journey today and unlock new opportunities in the tech world.


Coding Vidya

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  1. Best React Books - codingvidya.com

    July 19, 2024

    […] Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy […]

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