
Best Online resources to learn Data Analysis

Are you into the various uses and possibilities of data science that helps to create new innovations and technologies each day that changes the world into a more advanced place everyday? If yes, you might be interested in knowing the best online resources to learn data analysis.

best online resources to learn data analysis

Best Online Courses:

Data Analysis Courses:

  1. Become a Data Analyst – Udacity
  2. Data Analyst with R Programming – Edureka
  3. Data Analyst with R – Datacamp
  4. Data Analyst with Python – Datacamp
  5. Data Analyst Masters Program – Edureka
  6. Data Science Specialization – Johns Hopkins University
  7. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate – IBM
  8. Data Science Foundations using R Specialization – John Hopkins University
  9. Applied Data Science with Python Specialization – University of Michigan
  10. IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate – IBM
  11. Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate – Google

Programming Courses:

  1. Programming for Data Science with Python – Udacity
  2. Intermediate Python – Udacity
  3. Programming for Data Science with R – Udacity
  4. Online Python Course – Edureka
  5. R Programming – Datacamp
  6. Python Programmer – Datacamp
  7. Python for Everybody Specialization – University of Michigan
  8. Crash course on Python – Google
  9. Python 3 Programming Specialization – University of Michigan
  10. R Programming Course – Johns Hopkins University
  11. Python for Beginners – Udemy
  12. R Programming A-Z for data Science with Real Examples – Udemy
  13. Learn R – Codecademy

Machine Learning Courses:

  1. Intro to machine learning with Tensorflow – Udacity
  2. Become a Machine Learning Engineer – Udacity
  3. Machine Learning Masters Program – Edureka
  4. Machine Learning Course – Stanford University
  5. Machine Learning with Python – IBM
  6. Advanced Machine Learning Specialization – HSE University
  7. Machine Learning for All – University of London
  8. Machine Learning A – Z Hands on Python and R in Data Science – Udemy
  9. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp Udemy

Statistics Courses:

  1. Intro to descriptive Statistics – Udacity
  2. Intro to Inferential Statistics – Udacity
  3. Intro to statistics – Udacity
  4. Statistics with Python Specialization – University of Michigan
  5. Statistics with R Specialization – Duke University
  6. Advanced Statistics for Data Science Specialization – Johns Hopkins University
  7. Basic Statistics – University of Amsterdam
  8. Data Science: Statistics and Machine Learning – Johns Hopkins University
  9. Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis – Udemy
  10. Learn Statistics with R – Codecademy
  11. Learn Statistics with Python – Codecademy
  12. Master Statistics with Python – Codecademy

Mathematics Courses:

  1. Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization – Imperial College London
  2. Data Science Math Skills – Duke University
  3. Introduction to Calculus – The University of Sydney
  4. Mathematics for Data Science Specialization – HSE University
  5. Probability and Statistics – University of London

Data Wrangling Courses:

  1. Data Wrangling with MongoDB – Udacity
  2. SQL Essentials Training and Certification – Edureka
  3. Data Wrangling Analysis and AB Testing with SQL – University of California
  4. Excel to MySQL Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization – Duke University
  5. Learn SQL basics for Data Science Specialization – University of California
  6. Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python – IBM
  7. Modern Big Data Analysis with SQL Specialization – Cloudera
  8. Introduction to Structured Query Language – University of Michigan
  9. Data Warehousing for Business intelligence Specialization – University of Colorado
  10. The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2022 – Udemy
  11. SQL – MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Analysis – Udemy

Data Visualization Courses:

  1. Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI – Udacity
  2. Data Visualization – Udacity
  3. Tableau Certification Training – Edureka
  4. Data visualization with Tableau Specialization – University of California, Davis
  5. Data Visualization with Advanced Excel – PWC
  6. Information Visualization Specialization – New York University
  7. Information Visualization Advanced Techniques – New York University
  8. Data Visualization with Python – IBM
  9. Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau – Duke University
  10. Tableau 2020 Certified Associate Exam Guide A-Z (w Datasets) – Udemy
  11. Complete tableau 2021 training for Absolute Beginners – Udemy


Programming Language Books:

  1. Python Crash course – Eric Matthes View on Amazon
  2. Head first Python: A Brain Friendly Guide – Paul Barry
  3. Learn Python the hard way – Zed. A Shaw
  4. Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science Learning to Program with AI, Big data and Cloud – Paul Deitel 
  5. Automate the boring stuff with Python – Sweigart
  6. R for data science – Hadley Wickham
  7. Machine Learning with R – Brett Lantz
  8. The book of R: A first course in Programming and Statistics – Tilman M.Davies

Machine Learning Books:

  1. Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit – Learns, Keras and Tensorflow – Aurelien Geron
  2. The Hundred page Machine Learning book – Andriy Burkov
  3. Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners – Oliver Theobald
  4. Machine Learning: An applied Mathematics Introduction – Paul Wilmott
  5. Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists – Andreas C.Muller

Statistics Books:

  1. An Introduction to Statistical Learning – Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
  2. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists – Peter Bruce
  3. Probability and Statistics for Data Science – Norman Matloff
  4. The art of Statistics: How to learn from Data – David Spiegelhalter
  5. How to lie with Statistics – Darrell Huff

Mathematics Books:

  1. Introduction to Probability – Joseph K. Blitzstein, Jessica Hwang
  2. Mathematics for Machine Learning – Marc Peter Deisenroth
  3. Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning – Charu C.Aggarwal

Data Wrangling Books:

  1. The Data Wrangling workshop – Brian Lipp
  2. Hands on Data Analysis with Pandas efficiently perform data collection, wrangling, analysis and visualization using python – Stefanie Molin
  3. Data Analysis from Scratch with Python – Peters Morgan
  4. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, Numpy, and IPython – Wes Mckinney

Data Visualization Books:

  1. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization guide for business professionals – Cole nussbaumer knaflic
  2. Data VisualizationL: A practical introduction – Kieran Healy
  3. Effective Data Visualization: The right chart for the Right Data – Stephanie Evergreen
  4. Data Visualization Handbook for data driven design – Andy Kirk 


Be in Touch with our blog to get latest updates on Free Best Online Resources to learn Data Analysis like free courses from top universities and Companies with projects.

This is the complete list of the most essential and desired skills to become a data analyst. Along with that, we have also mentioned some of the best online resources to learn data analysis based on the skills given. These come with live projects and training affiliated with top universities and companies that boost your portfolio. 

There might be several other Best online resources to learn Data Analysis too that may help you to learn easily based on your level of understanding. Do connect with us and let us know if you know any more resources online through our social media sites. 



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